This email is to catch you up on what's been happening so far this year and what the plan for the rest of the year is. It's going to be kind of long so grab your favorite beverage and relax.
I am not doing weekly specials at this time. I’m going to keep it simple, so from now until September 30th – 20% off any purchase of $30.00 or more. On line use coupon code 2030.
I started this year with a diagnoses of breast cancer, I was told it was caught early, ok I'll deal with it. Then I got an offer to sell the building, sounded good. So I decided since I knew I would be dealing with treatments and selling a building I would close the shop and go to online only. So we had a closing sale. The sale of the building was moving forward. Started chemo in Feb. then the building sale fell through, and all of my hair fell out.
So I still planed on selling online only. My wonderful employees came to me and said since I still had a building they would work a few days a week and keep the shop open. I can not stress enough how wonderful these ladies are! So we were open 2 days a week while I went though weekly treatments. I was handling treatment pretty well, so we added 2 more days and 2 more employees, Jenny & Julie. So we are now open 4 days a week!
We have consolidated some of the fabric and are making the classroom much larger, so there will be plenty of room for classes and events.
So that's pretty much where we stand right now. I am finished with chemo but still have a minor surgery coming up. I am back in the shop 2-3 days a week, we will only be open 4 days a week, Wed. 11-4, Thur. 10-5, Friday 10-5 & Sat. 10-4.
We started demo's, a few months ago, if you liked the technique and wanted to learn more, there is a class scheduled a few weeks later. That seams to be working well so we will continue the monthly demo's, classes, groups and events back up. Complete dates, details and descriptions are on our website, but here are the highlights.
Saturday Demo's -
Paper Piecing, Sept. 21, 11-12, class Oct. 12, 1-3 $20.00. Kit available.
Spider Web Ruler, Kaleidoscope -Oct. 12, 11-12, class Nov. 9, 1-3 $20.00. Kit available.
Hanging Wall Pockets - Serger Basics, Nov. 2, 11-12, Organizer class, includes kit, Nov. 16, 10:30-12:30 (using your serger) $40.00, 1:30-3:30 test driving the b64 serger $60.00.
T-Shirt Quilt, Dec.7, 11-12, class, includes kit, Dec. 14 & 21, 11-2, $155.00.
Open Sew Thursdays - Free, no instructor, 10-4. Use our classroom & workspace.
Friday Quilting Help with Pat - 10-1 most Fridays, drop in $20.00.
Pizza Night - Sit & Sew - 1st & 3rd Fridays 5-9, $15.00. Pizza & salad.
Also Quilt Camp is coming back! The 1st Wed. Thurs. & Friday monthly starting Oct. 2, 3 & 4, 10-4. We will have fruit and pastries in the morning and a lite lunch daily. 1-3 days of open sew. Sign up for 2 or 3 days and you can set up your sewing space and leave everything set up, no need to clean up, everything will be ready to pick up where you left off the day before. Only have time for 1 or 2 days? That's ok. $20.00/day or $50.00/3 days
Pumpkin Patch Shop Hop - 3 shops, Sew What!, The Quilt Patch & Textiles. Oct. 24, 25 & 26. Passports $8.00, prizes, 20% off select fabrics, free pattern at each shop, door prizes.
I will also be doing 12 days of Christmas differently this year. I can not commit to 3 weeks of daily spicals. I will be offering 2 different mystery boxes, with 12 items. You know they will be filled the good stuff! Supplies are limited, when they are sold out that's it. Standard box, $50.00 with a minimum $100.00 value and Premium box, $100.00 with a minimum $200.00 value. Items will not be duplicated in the the standard and premium boxes. All items are new first quality products. Boxes will include books, patterns, notions, fat quarters, etc. You must register and prepay, boxes can be picked up between Dec. 10-21. Can't decide which one to choose? Get both! You will have 24 items and turn them into advent boxes.
Beginner Quilting - 1st & 3rd Saturdays each month, 10:30-1:30. Work on any quilting project. Come as needed when you need help or come to all 8 session. If you need help picking your first project, please stop in before scheduled class. Session one Sept. 21 - Dec. 7. 20.00 each day or $110.00/8 days, plus supplies.
Are you looking for a new sewing machine? We have BERNINAS & bernettes, many in stock. Many have special pricing or a Gift with purchase.
Watch your emails or check out the website for updates.
93" X 101"